

FSM Receiver Tests

Note the Effective Noise Bandwidth (wrt gain at 1kHz) can be quite a deal less than obtained by eyeballing the -6dB points. Further, the passband of receivers often exhibits a considerable downward slope with frequency across the passband. Attempts to guestimate the Effective Noise Bandwidth are likely to be in error by up to a couple of dB, see the article Measuring receiver bandwidth.

Table 1: Receiver tests at 7MHz
Model Lower 6dB point (Hz) Upper 6dB point (Hz)

Effective Noise Bandwidth (Hz)

Rx Noise Figure (dB)

Test date


IC7000 216 2748 2090 17.4 30/06/06 VK1OD Pre-amp OFF, Filter 300/2400 sharp, AGC 30dB.
IC7000 216 2748 2090 6.5 30/06/06 VK1OD Pre-amp ON,  Filter 300/2400 sharp, AGC 29dB.
IC706IIG 339 2213 1875 6.25 20/02/05 VK1OD #1 Pre-amp ON. 
IC706IIG 339 2213 1875 10.00 10/06/05 VK1OD #1 Pre-amp OFF. 
IC706IIG 296 2277 2003 6.11 20/02/05 VK1OD #2 Pre-amp ON.
IC706IIG 296 2277 2003 9.61 10/06/05 VK1OD #2 Pre-amp OFF.
R5000 263 2664 1980 15.60 20/02/05 VK1OD  
TS2000 300 1900 1450 16.30 03/07/05 VK1OD Pre-amp OFF, Filter 300/2400, wider filter settings have noticeable slope. (AGC threshold is about 14dB with pre-amp ON, about 21dB with pre-amp OFF.
IC7400 (IC746PRO) 296 2567 1698 5.58 20/02/05 VK1OD Pre-amp ON, Filter 2400 soft, wider filter not as flat.
IC7400 (IC746PRO) 240 2740 2149 4.55 20/02/05 VK1OD Pre-amp ON, Filter 2400 sharp, wider filter not as flat.
IC756PROII 294 2715 2254 14.4 10/12/05 VK1OD Pre-amp OFF, Filter 2400 sharp, slight slope, AGC Threshold 25dB.
IC756PROII 294 2715 2254 5.0 10/12/05 VK1OD Pre-amp ON, Filter 2400 sharp, slight slope.
ICR20 300 2500 1580 5.59 20/02/05 VK1OD Poor IF filter shape factor, slope across pass-band.
FT920 340 2700 2100 7.65 01/10/05 VK2AAB Slope across pass band.
FT7 473 2626 2153 12.6 16/12/05 VK7TW  
R1000     1780 7.0 06/03/07 VK1GH 14MHz
DX-70 615 2130 1265 17.1 17/11/2006 VK2DKN Filter narrow LSB, no preamp, no att.
IC-910 270 2612 1971 4.9 18/10/2008 VK7MO NF based on specification sensitivity.
IC-7410 270 2754 2038 14.2 10/03/2014 VK2OMD Pre-amp OFF, Filter 2400 soft.
IC-7300 369 2624 2088   25/08/2017 VK2OMD Pre-amp OFF, Filter 2400 soft.


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