Barry, K3EUI, posted some interesting measurements of his MyAntennas EFHW which he described with some useful detail:
I have been experimenting with a “MYANTENNA” 130 foot long “end-fed” with the 49:1 UNUN*
I replaced their 130 ft antenna wire with a heavier gauge #12 stranded insulated wire (I had a few hundred feet).*
This is classified as a ONE-HALF wavelength antenna on 80m, hence the need for the 49:1 UNUN to transform 50 ohm (coax) to a few thousand ohms*
It has resonances on the other ham bands (harmonically related) but I wanted it mostly for 80m.
One leg runs about 60 ft horizontally to a tree and then the next 70 ft makes a 90 degree bend (to fit into my yard) still horizontal.*
At this time I removed a 15 ft “counterpoise” wire on the GND side of the UNUN.
I will try it later this week (after the snow) as a “sloper” or an Inverted V up to a tall fir tree.
It is only about 20 ft above ground now (with 4 inches snow) for NVIS prop, and fed with 70 ft of RG213 coax (50 ohm) with a RF choke on the coax feed line 10 ft from UNUN (the counterpoise?) and another RF choke just as the coax enters the shack.
His VSWR curve is interesting, a minimum at source end of about 1.32 @ 3.66MHz as built and measured.
Minimum VSWR is about 1.32 @ 3.66MHz. Continue reading K3EUI’s MyAntennas EFHW on 80m