Analysis of a series of NEC-4 models of a low loss small transmitting loop at 7MHz at varying height

This article documents a series of NEC-4 models at 7MHz inspired by Paul Casper’s (K4HKX) small transmitting loop using 3″ conductor described on his web page at .

The basic loop dimensions derive from 3″ (76.2mm) OD copper tube, with octagon side lengths of 27″ (685.8mm).

This series explores the effect of antenna height. (Note the models have not been calibrated to Paul’s scenario, they are stand alone models of a somewhat similar scenario for the purpose of studying the effect of height.) Continue reading Analysis of a series of NEC-4 models of a low loss small transmitting loop at 7MHz at varying height

The Army Loop (Patterson match)

The ARRL and other publications refer to the Army Loop or Patterson match.

Patterson described his antenna system at (Patterson 1967). Hams seem to call any configuration that uses only capacitors in the matching circuit a Patterson or Army loop, though they are incorrect.

The ARRL Antenna Book 21 has a nonsense circuit that cannot work.

Another ARRL example, one that does work

Screenshot - 01_12_2014 , 13_51_37Above is a diagram from a much earlier ARRL and as far as I can ascertain, this is McCoy’s version the so-called ARMY Loop. (McCoy 1968) gives the middle capacitor as 500pF variable which would reduce the matching range. Continue reading The Army Loop (Patterson match)

An example of Eb/N0 design with the Field strength / receive power converter

I have been asked whether the Field strength / receive power converter can be used to solve a Eb/N0 (Eb/N0) design problem.

Eb/N0 is a method often used for specifying the relationship of signal and noise that will give adequate bit error rate in a data demodulator.

Whilst the calculator was not specifically designed for that purpose, and you cannot directly enter the desired Eb/N0, with the help of a hand calculator for simple calculations, a solution can be found. Continue reading An example of Eb/N0 design with the Field strength / receive power converter

Diamond X-50N #2 at VK2OMD

I have a bit of a soft spot for the Diamond X-50N. It is a fairly rugged vertical for 2m/70cm. Though I live in a rural setting, I resist the temptation of high gain antennas of this type as they tend to suffer fatigue problems resulting in noise in quick time, whereas the rigid one piece X-50 seems to last and last (I have another that must have had 25 years outdoor service).


The X-50N is mounted on a telescopic steel mast at 11m at its base, and fed with 10m of LDF4-50A to the antenna entrance panel, and 2m of LMR-400 to the radio. The XN50N has three short radials which are visible in the pic above, but somewhat obscured by a fan of four upwards pointing wires to discourage birds perching on the gibbet for the G5RV. Continue reading Diamond X-50N #2 at VK2OMD

VK3AQZ RF power meter (RFPM1) – filter response example

This article shows use of Lou Destefano’s (VK3AQZ) VK3AQZ RF power meter (RFPM1) to plot the response of a 144MHz filter.


Above, the RFPM1 as used.

Screenshot - 24_11_2014 , 10_29_43

Above, the test setup. The filter (DUT) is connected between a standard signal generator (SSG), and the RFPM1 connected to the filter output. A DVM recorded the DC voltage on the ‘CAL’ terminals of the RFPM1. A series of measurements was made from 140 to 148MHz and the results calculated and plotted in Excel. Continue reading VK3AQZ RF power meter (RFPM1) – filter response example