The NanoVNA is a new low cost community developed VNA with assembled units coming out of China for <$50.
This article documents some tests using a small ferrite cored test inductor that provides a similar impedance to that of a common mode choke suited to HF antenna feed lines.
The nanoVNA-H has firmware NanoVNA-Q-0.4.3-20f33ba.dfu installed. The nanoVNA appears to be a nanoVNA-H v3.3 but it is hard to be sure, it is from China, the land of copyists and fraud. Indeed the nanovna-Q author asserts that genuine nanoVNA-H have a green overlay whereas mine is blue. Uncertainty is part of the territory!
A small fixture was OSL calibrated and impedance measured by reflection (ie s11).
The results broadly reconcile with previous measurements of the inductor, but the jitter is worth of examination.
Above is a chart showing the measured impedance components, we might expect a reasonably smooth curve for each. It has a lot of jitter on it, and you might excuse that as a result of applying the instrument and method to such a high impedance… but for two things: Continue reading nanoVNA-H – a ferrite cored test inductor – drilling down on a glitch – the fix