The NanoVNA is a new low cost community developed VNA with assembled units coming out of China for <$50.
I purchased what appears to be a ‘genuine’ nanoVNA-H and it has firmware NanoVNA-H_20191018.dfu installed. During checkout of the delivered device, an issue became evident, an issue worth describing in its own article.
Glitches on the displayed data are occasional, but hardly rare, and are a concern.
The nanoVNA was OSL calibrated (is for reflection only) from 1 to 500MHz and the cal save in C4.
On repeated scans of the SC used for the cal, there are obvious occasional glitches evident on various PC clients.
Above is nanovnasharp v1.03. An expanded scale shows the observation, an occasional single measurement, always with a downwards glitch of |S11|dB of variable magnitude, but usually less than a couple of dB. Continue reading nanoVNA-H – occasional glitches in measured data