The most common problem of broadband ferrite cored transformer designs for RF is insufficient turns which results in:
- low magnetising impedance Zmag causing:
- high InsertionLoss at lower frequencies;
- excessive core loss at low frequencies, and
- high InsertionVSWR at low frequencies.
This article give a simple test for a transformer that will have a nominally 50Ω input or output winding
Without going into a lot of magnetic and transformer theory, a through test using a VNA of the core and just one winding configured as a 1:1 (50Ω:50Ω) autotransformer is revealing. If that combination of turns, core, frequency is not adequate, it is very unlikely any transformer
Above is a schematic of the test configuration, the DUT is the central element, everything else is supplied by the VNA. Continue reading A simple NanoVNA test of a ferrite core and winding to check its suitability in a 50Ω:xΩ transformer