A walk through of a practical application of AIMuhf/AIM900

This article describes the use of the Array Solutions AIMuhf/AIM900 to test a mobile antenna installation, a quarter wave whip for 2m with about 4m of RG58 cable which has been previously installed and tuned.AIMuhf


The exercise is motivated by a perception that the antenna is not working as well as it should.

Screenshot - 16_05_2015 , 14_38_07

Above is a scan of the VSWR. It indicates problems, there should be a main VSWR dip around the high end of the 2m band (147MHz), but instead the minimum is nearer 160MHz. Clearly there is an antenna connected to the far end of the line in some form (ie the inner conductor is not simply broken), but there could be a high resistance in the inner conductor or shield connection (the latter is common issue with this type of antenna base). Continue reading A walk through of a practical application of AIMuhf/AIM900

Accuracy of AIMuhf system – AIM865A vs AIM885Gx on a ferrite cored inductor

AIMuhfAt Accuracy of AIMuhf system – AIM865A vs AIM882 vs AIM885 on a ferrite cored inductor I compared measurement of a small ferrite cored inductor on three ‘production’ releases of the AIM program.

Since then, AIM885A was released and it had problems as mentioned at AIM 885A produces internally inconsistent results.

Since then, AIM882, AIM885, and AIM885A have been pulled.

The developer advised on his support forum I’m sorry but version 885A has some problems. I’m working an update. In the meantime use the mature version AIM_865A.

Today, he posted a link to AIM885Gx (a declared beta release which presumably fixes problems in the pulled versions AIM882, AIM885, and AIM885A). Continue reading Accuracy of AIMuhf system – AIM865A vs AIM885Gx on a ferrite cored inductor

AIM 885A produces internally inconsistent results


AIMuhfFurther to AIM 885 produces internally inconsistent results

A new release, AIM885A appeared recently.

In the common theme of one step forward, two steps backwards, this version produces error popups when started.

Screenshot - 15_04_2015 , 17_41_08

The above popup appears twice when starting AIM885A. Just another symptom to undermine confidence in the system. It doesn’t make sense to me, and the program appears to otherwise start and run. Continue reading AIM 885A produces internally inconsistent results

Accuracy of AIMuhf system – AIM865A vs AIM882 vs AIM885 on a ferrite cored inductor

AIMuhfThis article builds on Accuracy of AIMuhf system – AIM865A vs AIM882 on a ferrite cored inductor by adding a measurement using AIM885 of the same test inductor.



Above is the test inductor. It comprises 6 turns of 0.5mm PVC insulated wire wound on a BN43-202 binocular balun core. Continue reading Accuracy of AIMuhf system – AIM865A vs AIM882 vs AIM885 on a ferrite cored inductor

AIM885 Refer To Antenna checkout


Among the New features in version 885 is Fixed “Refer to Antenna” function... so lets check it out.

The AIMuhf was calibrated using the supplied SOL components and AIM885.

Direct measurement

Screenshot - 27_03_2015 , 08_54_43Above is a sweep of a 1.05m length of Belden 8262 (RG58C/U) cable (with o/c termination) attached to the AIMuhf. Continue reading AIM885 Refer To Antenna checkout

Accuracy of AIMuhf system – AIM865A vs AIM882 on a ferrite cored inductor

AIMuhfIn other posts, I have commented on the apparent inconsistency of AIMuhf measurements.

One of the devices I often wish to measure is a ferrite cored choke such as those used for a Guanella 1:1 balun. A small test inductor was made to provide a common device for measurement across instruments, and versions of software, though small, it has similar characteristics to the larger inductors more commonly measured.


Above is the test inductor. It comprises 6 turns of 0.5mm PVC insulated wire wound on a BN43-202 binocular balun core. Continue reading Accuracy of AIMuhf system – AIM865A vs AIM882 on a ferrite cored inductor

LP-100A manual advice on VSWR measurement

At Where is the best place to measure feed point VSWR I discussed location of the VSWR meter and projection of its reading to another point on a known transmission line.

A correspondent has taken me to task and citing Telepost’s LP-100A manual: Continue reading LP-100A manual advice on VSWR measurement

Diamond X50N measurements – AIMuhf and AA-600

At Diamond X-50N #2 at VK2OMD I reported some details of a new antenna at VK2OMD, including some baseline measurements using a Rigexpert AA-600.

This article expands that information with some measurements made using AIMuhf, and gives some contrasts between the two tools.

The AA-600 measurements were made 26/11/2014, and AIMuhf a couple of months later on 29/01/2015. The system measured should have been identical, the feed line is 9.83m of LDF4-50A with N-type connectors at both ends. Continue reading Diamond X50N measurements – AIMuhf and AA-600