Max thrust: Hobbywing XRotor 40A (MkII) vs BLHeli Hobbywing XRotor 40A (MkII) vs SimonK Hobbyking 9261000003 40A

This article documents a comparative thrust test of a stock Hobbywing X-Rotor 40A, Hobbywing X-Rotor 40A with BLHeli firmware and a Hobbyking 9261000003 40A with SimonK firmware on a medium sized motor at wide open throttle (WOT).

Battery is 3S fully charged.

Motor is a Turnigy Propdrive 28-26S 1100kV;

Propeller is a 9×4.7 SF;

Stock Hobbywing configuration

The X-Rotor 40A out of the box then a throttle cal for 1030/2000 performed.

BLHeli configuration

The X-Rotor 40A is configured with BLHeli v14.8 MULTI, default BLHeli config, then a throttle cal for 1030/2000 performed.

SimonK configuration

The Hobbyking 9261000003 40A is flashed with SimonK’s tgy Hobbyking 9261000003 40A (1e4c01782eff85da3971f628a3bd599b7a0725eb) 15/10/2015.


Above, the motor and prop used for the test.

Maximum measured thrust results:

  • X-Rotor 40A with stock Hobbywing firmware: 850g;
  • X-Rotor 40A with BLHeli: 870g;
  • Hobbyking 9261000003 40A with SimonK: 950g