SiK is an inexpensive data radio commonly used by UAVs.
At least two of the ‘ground station’ applications incorporate facility for firmware upgrade, but if you aren’t using them for their main purpose, it is a huge installation just to upgrade the SiK radio.
Above is an inexpensive C2 programmer with DIY pogo pin adapter, one of may options. A C2 programmer is needed to write the bootloader.
The SiK radio project publishes a python script at . This article gives a revised version that works on a HM-TRP radio under Windows 11.
The firmware was v2.2 sourced from .
Here is the revised Python script:
#next line fails in Windows ##!/usr/bin/env python3 # # Serial firmware uploader for the SiK bootloader # import argparse import binascii import glob import serial import sys import time if sys.version_info.major < 3: print("This tool requires python3") sys.exit(1) class Firmware(object): """Loads a firmware file""" # parse a single IntelHex line and obtain the byte array and address def __parseline(self, line): # ignore lines not beginning with : if line[0] != ":": return # parse the header off the line hexstr = line.rstrip()[1:-2] binstr = binascii.unhexlify(hexstr) command = binstr[3] # only type 0 and 4 records are interesting if command == 4 and binstr[0] == 0x02 and (binstr[1] << 8) + binstr[2] == 0x0000: self.upperaddress = (binstr[4] << 8) + binstr[5] self.bankingDeteted = True elif command == 0: address = (binstr[1] << 8) + binstr[2] + (self.upperaddress << 16) bytes = bytearray(binstr[4:]) if self.upperaddress in self.sanity_check: self.sanity_check[self.upperaddress][0] += len(bytes) if self.sanity_check[self.upperaddress][1] > (binstr[1] << 8) + binstr[2]: self.sanity_check[self.upperaddress][1] = (binstr[1] << 8) + binstr[2] if self.sanity_check[self.upperaddress][2] < (binstr[1] << 8) + binstr[2] + len(bytes): self.sanity_check[self.upperaddress][2] = (binstr[1] << 8) + binstr[2] + len(bytes) else: self.sanity_check[self.upperaddress] = [] self.sanity_check[self.upperaddress].append(len(bytes)) self.sanity_check[self.upperaddress].append((binstr[1] << 8) + binstr[2]) self.sanity_check[self.upperaddress].append((binstr[1] << 8) + binstr[2] + len(bytes)) self.__insert(address, bytes) # insert the byte array into the ranges dictionary, merging as we go def __insert(self, address, bytes): # look for a range that immediately follows this one candidate = address + len(bytes) if candidate in self.ranges: # found one, remove from ranges and merge it nextbytes = self.ranges.pop(candidate) bytes.extend(nextbytes) # iterate the existing ranges looking for one that precedes this for candidate in list(self.ranges.keys()): prevlen = len(self.ranges[candidate]) if (candidate + prevlen) == address: self.ranges[candidate].extend(bytes) return # just insert it self.ranges[address] = bytes def __init__(self, path): self.ranges = dict() self.upperaddress = 0x0000 self.bankingDeteted = False self.sanity_check = dict() # read the file # XXX should have some file metadata here too ... f = open(path, "r") for line in f: self.__parseline(line) def code(self): return self.ranges class Uploader(object): """Uploads a firmware file to the SiK bootloader""" NOP = chr(0x00) OK = chr(0x10) FAILED = chr(0x11) INSYNC = chr(0x12) EOC = chr(0x20) GET_SYNC = chr(0x21) GET_DEVICE = chr(0x22) CHIP_ERASE = chr(0x23) LOAD_ADDRESS = chr(0x24) PROG_FLASH = chr(0x25) READ_FLASH = chr(0x26) PROG_MULTI = chr(0x27) READ_MULTI = chr(0x28) PARAM_ERASE = chr(0x29) REBOOT = chr(0x30) PROG_MULTI_MAX = 32 # 64 causes serial hangs with some USB-serial adapters READ_MULTI_MAX = 255 READ_MULTI_MAX = PROG_MULTI_MAX #fix buffer overrun on verify with FTDI FT-232RL BANK_PROGRAMING = -1 def __init__(self, portname, atbaudrate=57600, use_mavlink=False, mavport=0, debug=0): print(("Connecting to %s" % portname)) if use_mavlink: from pymavlink import mavutil self.port = mavutil.MavlinkSerialPort(portname, 115200, devnum=mavport, timeout=3, debug=debug) else: self.port = serial.Serial(portname, 115200, timeout=3) self.atbaudrate = atbaudrate self._debug = debug self.percent = -1 if use_mavlink: # we can send a bit more on mavlink Uploader.PROG_MULTI_MAX = 64 def debug(self, s, level=1): """write some debug text""" if self._debug >= level: print(s) def __send(self, c): if type(c) is str: self.port.write(bytes(c, 'latin-1')) self.debug(("writing", c), 7) else: self.debug(("writing ", binascii.hexlify(c)), 7) self.port.write(c) def __recv(self, raise_error=True): start_time = time.time() c = if len(c) < 1: self.debug("timeout waiting for data (%.2f seconds)" % (time.time() - start_time)) if raise_error: raise RuntimeError("timeout waiting for data") return None return c.decode('latin-1') def __getSync(self, raise_error=True): c = self.__recv(raise_error) if c is None: return False if c != self.INSYNC: print("c ", type(c), " ", c) print("INSYNC ", type(self.INSYNC), " ", self.INSYNC) self.debug(("unexpected ", c, " instead of INSYNC 0x", self.INSYNC)) if raise_error: raise RuntimeError(("unexpected ", c, " instead of INSYNC 0x", self.INSYNC)) return False c = self.__recv() if c != self.OK: self.debug(("unexpected 0x", c, " instead of OK 0x", self.OK)) if raise_error: raise RuntimeError(("unexpected ", c, "instead of OK 0x", self.OK)) return False self.debug("__getSync OK", 2) return True # attempt to get back into sync with the bootloader def __sync(self): # send a stream of ignored bytes longer than the longest possible conversation # that we might still have in progress self.debug("trying __sync") self.__send(Uploader.NOP * (Uploader.PROG_MULTI_MAX + 2)) self.port.flushInput() self.__send(Uploader.GET_SYNC + Uploader.EOC) self.debug("trying __getSync") return self.__getSync(raise_error=False) # send the CHIP_ERASE command and wait for the bootloader to become ready def __erase(self, erase_params=False): self.__send(Uploader.CHIP_ERASE + Uploader.EOC) self.__getSync() if erase_params: print("resetting parameters...") self.__send(Uploader.PARAM_ERASE + Uploader.EOC) self.__getSync() # send a LOAD_ADDRESS command def __set_address(self, address, banking): if banking: if self.BANK_PROGRAMING != address >> 16: self.BANK_PROGRAMING = address >> 16 if self.BANK_PROGRAMING == 0: print("HOME") else: print("BANK", self.BANK_PROGRAMING) self.__send(Uploader.LOAD_ADDRESS + chr(address & 0xff) + chr((address >> 8) & 0xff) + chr((address >> 16) & 0xff) + Uploader.EOC) else: self.debug("set addr - no banking") self.__send(Uploader.LOAD_ADDRESS + chr(address & 0xff) + chr(address >> 8) + Uploader.EOC) self.debug("set addr - done") self.__getSync() # send a PROG_FLASH command to program one byte def __program_single(self, data): self.debug("prog single") self.__send(Uploader.PROG_FLASH + chr(data) + Uploader.EOC) self.__getSync() # send a PROG_MULTI command to write a collection of bytes def __program_multi(self, data): self.debug("Program Multi", 10) sync_count = 0 while len(data) > 0: n = len(data) if n > Uploader.PROG_MULTI_MAX: n = Uploader.PROG_MULTI_MAX block = data[:n] data = data[n:] self.__send(Uploader.PROG_MULTI + chr(n)) self.__send(block) self.__send(Uploader.EOC) sync_count += 1 while sync_count > 0: self.debug("sync_count=%u" % sync_count) self.__getSync() sync_count -= 1 # verify multiple bytes in flash def __verify_multi(self, data): self.__send(Uploader.READ_MULTI + chr(len(data)) + Uploader.EOC) for i in data: if self.__recv() != chr(i): return False self.__getSync() return True # send the reboot command def __reboot(self): self.__send(Uploader.REBOOT) # split a sequence into a list of size-constrained pieces def __split_len(self, seq, length): return [seq[i:i + length] for i in range(0, len(seq), length)] def total_size(self, code): """return total programming size in bytes""" total = 0 for address in list(code.keys()): total += len(code[address]) return total def progress(self, count, total): """show progress bar""" pct = int((100 * count) / total) if pct != self.percent: self.percent = pct hlen = (pct / 2) hashes = '#' * int(hlen) spaces = ' ' * (50 - int(hlen)) sys.stdout.write("[%s] %u/%u (%u%%)\r" % ( hashes + spaces, count, total, pct)) sys.stdout.flush() if count == total: print("") # upload code def __program(self, fw): code = fw.code() count = 0 total = self.total_size(code) for address in sorted(code.keys()): self.debug("address", address) self.__set_address(address, fw.bankingDeteted) groups = self.__split_len(code[address], Uploader.PROG_MULTI_MAX) for bytes in groups: self.__program_multi(bytes) count += len(bytes) self.progress(count, total) self.progress(count, total) self.debug("done") # verify code def __verify(self, fw): code = fw.code() count = 0 total = self.total_size(code) for address in sorted(code.keys()): self.__set_address(address, fw.bankingDeteted) groups = self.__split_len(code[address], Uploader.READ_MULTI_MAX) for bytes in groups: if not self.__verify_multi(bytes): raise RuntimeError("Verification failed in group at 0x%x" % address) count += len(bytes) self.progress(count, total) self.progress(count, total) self.debug("done") def expect(self, pattern, timeout): """wait for a pattern with timeout, return True if found, False if not""" import re prog = re.compile(pattern) start = time.time() s = '' while time.time() < start + timeout: b = if len(b) > 0: sys.stdout.write(b.decode('latin-1')) s += b.decode('latin-1') if is not None: return True else: time.sleep(0.01) return False def send(self, s): """write a string to port and stdout""" self.port.write(bytes(s, 'latin-1')) sys.stdout.write(s) def setBaudrate(self, baudrate): try: self.port.setBaudrate(baudrate) except Exception: # for pySerial 3.0, which doesn't have setBaudrate() self.port.baudrate = baudrate def autosync(self): """use AT&UPDATE to put modem in update mode""" if self.atbaudrate != 115200: self.setBaudrate(self.atbaudrate) print("Trying autosync") self.send('\r\n') time.sleep(1.0) self.send('+++') self.expect('OK', timeout=1.1) for i in range(5): self.send('\r\nATI\r\n') if not self.expect('SiK .* on', timeout=0.5): print("Failed to get SiK banner") continue self.send('\r\n') time.sleep(0.2) self.port.flushInput() self.send('AT&UPDATE\r\n') time.sleep(0.7) self.port.flushInput() if self.atbaudrate != 115200: self.setBaudrate(115200) print("Sent update command") return True if self.atbaudrate != 115200: self.setBaudrate(115200) return False # verify whether the bootloader is present and responding def check(self): for i in range(3): try: if self.__sync(): print("Got sync") return True self.autosync() except RuntimeError: self.autosync() return False def identify(self): self.__send(Uploader.GET_DEVICE + Uploader.EOC) board_id = self.__recv()[0] board_freq = self.__recv()[0] self.__getSync() return board_id, board_freq def upload(self, fw, erase_params=False): print("erasing...") self.__erase(erase_params) print("programing...") self.__program(fw) print("verifying...") self.__verify(fw) print("done.") self.__reboot() if __name__ == '__main__': # Parse commandline arguments parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Firmware uploader for the SiK radio system.") parser.add_argument('--resetparams', action="store_true", help="reset all parameters to defaults") parser.add_argument("--baudrate", type=int, default=57600, help='baud rate') parser.add_argument('--forceBanking', action="store_true", help="force the programmer to use 24bit addressing") parser.add_argument("--mavlink", action='store_true', default=False, help='update over MAVLink') parser.add_argument("--mavport", type=int, default=0, help='MAVLink port number') parser.add_argument("--debug", type=int, default=0, help='debug level') parser.add_argument('--port', required=True, action="store", help="port to upload to") parser.add_argument('firmware', action="store", help="Firmware file to be uploaded") args = parser.parse_args() # Load the firmware file fw = Firmware(args.firmware) if args.forceBanking: fw.bankingDeteted = True ''' This stuff does not work for high COM ports in Windows ports = glob.glob(args.port) if not ports: print(("No matching ports for %s" % args.port)) sys.exit(1) # Connect to the device and identify it for port in glob.glob(args.port): ''' for port in [args.port]: print(("uploading to port %s" % port)) up = Uploader(port, atbaudrate=args.baudrate, use_mavlink=args.mavlink, mavport=args.mavport, debug=args.debug) if not up.check(): print("Failed to contact bootloader") sys.exit(1) id, freq = up.identify() print(("board %x freq %x" % (ord(id), ord(freq)))) # CPU's that support banking have the upper bit set in the byte (0x80) if (fw.bankingDeteted and (ord(id) & 0x80) != 0x80): print("This firmware requires a CPU with banking") sys.exit(1) if (ord(id) & 0x80) == 0x80: fw.bankingDeteted = True print("Using 24bit addresses") up.upload(fw, args.resetparams)
There are only a few changes, here is the diff file:
--- 2024-07-21 12:45:58.103535500 +1000 +++ 2024-07-21 16:36:56.263199800 +1000 @@ -1,4 +1,5 @@ -#!/usr/bin/env python3 +#next line fails in Windows +##!/usr/bin/env python3 # # Serial firmware uploader for the SiK bootloader # @@ -103,6 +104,7 @@ PROG_MULTI_MAX = 32 # 64 causes serial hangs with some USB-serial adapters READ_MULTI_MAX = 255 + READ_MULTI_MAX = PROG_MULTI_MAX #fix buffer overrun on verify with FTDI FT-232RL BANK_PROGRAMING = -1 def __init__(self, portname, atbaudrate=57600, use_mavlink=False, mavport=0, debug=0): @@ -416,13 +418,15 @@ fw = Firmware(args.firmware) if args.forceBanking: fw.bankingDeteted = True - + ''' This stuff does not work for high COM ports in Windows ports = glob.glob(args.port) if not ports: print(("No matching ports for %s" % args.port)) sys.exit(1) # Connect to the device and identify it for port in glob.glob(args.port): + ''' + for port in [args.port]: print(("uploading to port %s" % port)) up = Uploader(port, atbaudrate=args.baudrate, use_mavlink=args.mavlink, mavport=args.mavport, debug=args.debug)
Prior to debugging the py script, I rewrote the bootloader using a U-EC2 programmer:
@echo off rem this script set BOOTLOADER=bootloader~hm_trp~433.hex set SIK=radio~hm_trp-2.2.hex set SIK=junk.hex set srec_cat=D:\Program Files\srecord\bin\srec_cat.exe set HEXPATH= set XXD=xxd set FLASHUTILCL="d:\SiLabs\MCU\Utilities\FLASH Programming\Static Programmers\Command-Line\FlashUtilCL.exe" echo on rem fix the adress ordering "%srec_cat%" %SIK% -intel -o temp.hex -intel rem now write the flash %FLASHUTILCL% FlashEraseUSB 0 1 %FLASHUTILCL% DownloadUSB "%BOOTLOADER%" 0 0 1 %FLASHUTILCL% VerifyUSB "%BOOTLOADER%" 0 1 %FLASHUTILCL% DownloadUSB temp.hex 0 0 1 %FLASHUTILCL% VerifyUSB temp.hex 0 1 @echo off echo. echo All done pause
That worked fine, it seems that the flash utils do not like out of sequence data, the srec_cat fixes than (though you will get a warning).
Above are the C2 connections to the module. I powered it from a separate power supply, VDD_MCU was not used (do not connect 5V here).
The bootloader was sourced from .