The article Baluns: you can learn by doing! presented measurements of a Guanella 1:1 Balun, a common mode choke.
Above is the prototype balun being a Fair-rite 5943003801 (FT240-43) wound with 11t of solid core twisted pair stripped from a CAT5 solid core LAN cable and wound in Reisert cross over style. Note that Amidon #43 (National Magnetics Groups H material) is significantly different to Fair-rite #43.
Above is a plot of the R and X components of Zcm taken from the .s1p file saved during measurement.
Note that it exhibits a self resonance at 13.5MHz. It is not simply an inductor, it is a resonator with an observed self resonant frequency (SRF) of 13.5MHz.
We can predict the impedance of the choke at low frequencies using the complex permeability, core parameters and turns, but as frequency approaches SRF some adjustment needs to be made to accommodate the self resonance. A simple adjustment is to shunt the simple inductor with some value of equivalent capacitance Cse that would cause the simple inductor to resonate at the observed SRF. This measure improves prediction of impedance up to SRF and a little higher depending on your accuracy requirement.
Above is a prediction based on µ, turns etc at the SRF. You will note that the calculated impedance is not consistent with resonance, but it can be used to calculate the Cse that would resonate it.
See also Ferrite permeability interpolations.
You could discover that Cse by inputting a value for Cse and iteratively increasing / decreasing it to find the value where the X part of Z passes through zero… but it is very tedious. You could use a hand calculator to find the value of C with B=0.0001116S.
Or you could use Solve Cse for self resonant inductor.
Above is calculation directly of Cse from calculated R, X at SRF and SRF. Note that you cannot measure R, X of the simple inductor as a practical inductor has the inseparable effects of self resonance, it comes as a bundle.
You could then return to the first calculator and enter the calculated value for Cse and so calculate the expected choke impedance etc.
Above, calculation of the choke using the calculated Cse. The calculated values to not reconcile exactly with measurement, measurement has errors, but worse, ferrites have quite wide tolerances.
Read widely, question everything.