Garden environmental telemetry project – part 1 laid out plans for a simple maker / DIY IoT garden environmental telemetry system.
This article documents a change to the sensor configuration and payload formatter in preparation for another RS485-LN.
The sensors are now:
- ID=1 air temperature and humidity;
- ID=2 soil temperature and humidity.
The payload contains a 8bit payload version number then four 16bit values for the four sensors. This is parsed by the TNN uplink formatter.
function decodeUplink(input) { var payver=input.bytes[0]; switch(payver){ case 1: return { data: { field3: ((input.bytes[3]<< 8)|input.bytes[4])/10, field4: ((input.bytes[1]<< 8)|input.bytes[2])/10, field5: ((input.bytes[7]<< 8)|input.bytes[8])/10, field6: ((input.bytes[5]<< 8)|input.bytes[6])/10 }, warnings: [], // optional errors: [] // optional (if set, the decoding failed) }; case 2: break; } }
Above, is the Custom Javascript formatter which writes the measured values into variables fields3-field6 of the data object.
To be continued…