ESP8266 IoT BME280 temperature, humidity and pressure described an IoT project. This article documents an update for newer nodemcu core (NodeMCU and the revised support for BME280 (the older method having been deprecated).
This project is based on ESP8266 IoT DHT22 temperature and humidity – evolution 3, but uses the Bosch BME280 temperature, humidity and pressure sensor. The BME280 has been around for a couple of years, though recently, modules using the chip have become more expensive on eBay, around $10. If you find BME280s listed for much less than that, it is probably Chinese cheats doing a bait and switch… delivering BMP280 (pressure only).
Above is a screenshot of recent data displayed on Thingspeak.
Code is at .
MQTT version
The MQTT version is also under active development, the code as it evolves is available online .