The article Checkout of a roll of Commscope 4510404 CCS RG11A/U – Zoc, Zsc based MLL calculation ended with a comment on making the measurements with a nanoVNA.
This article reports measurements with a nanoVNA-H v3.3 (modified) calibrated and swept from 1-31MHz using nanovna_mod.
Again the measurement data was saved as Touchstone files and processed using the same custom Python script.
Above, the plot of MLL looks pretty much the same apart from much fewer measurement points. The curve fit from 15-31MHz is very slightly different, partly again due to much fewer points.
The main advantage of the earlier dataset is that more datapoints are available for curve fitting part of the dataset (as was done here).
Above, the plot of VF looks pretty much the same.
On this example, the nanoVNA measurements reconcile with the larger dataset made with a VNWA3E… but that does not suggest it is a replacement for the VNWA3E, they are quite different in many ways.