Review of noise
Let’s review of the concepts of noise figure, equivalent noise temperature and measurement.
Firstly let’s consider the nature of noise. The noise we are discussing is dominated by thermal noise, the noise due to random thermal agitation of charge carriers in conductors. Johnson noise (as it is known) has a uniform spectral power density, ie a uniform power/bandwidth. The maximum thermal noise power density available from a resistor at temperature T is given by \(NPD=k_B T\) where Boltzmann’s constant kB=1.38064852e-23 (and of course the load must be matched to obtain that maximum noise power density). Temperature is absolute temperature, it is measured in Kelvins and 0°C≅273K.
Noise Figure
Noise Figure NF by definition is the reduction in S/N ratio (in dB) across a system component. So, we can write \(NF=10 log \frac{S_{in}}{N_{in}}- 10 log \frac{S_{out}}{N_{out}}\).
Equivalent noise temperature
One of the many methods of characterising the internal noise contribution of an amplifier is to treat it as noiseless and derive an equivalent temperature of a matched input resistor that delivers equivalent noise, this temperature is known as the equivalent noise temperature Te of the amplifier.
So for example, if we were to place a 50Ω resistor on the input of a nominally 50Ω input amplifier, and raised its temperature from 0K to the point T where the noise output power of the amplifier doubled, would could infer that the internal noise of the amplifier could be represented by an input resistor at temperature T. Fine in concept, but not very practical.
Y factor method
Applying a little maths, we do have a practical measurement method which is known as the Y factor method. It involves measuring the ratio of noise power output (Y) for two different source resistor temperatures, Tc and Th. We can say that \(NF=10 log \frac{(\frac{T_h}{290}-1)-Y(\frac{T_c}{290}-1)}{Y-1}\).
AN 57-1 contains a detailed mathematical explanation / proof of the Y factor method.
We can buy a noise source off the shelf, they come in a range of hot and cold temperatures. For example, one with specified Excess Noise Ratio (a common method of specifying them) has Th=9461K and Tc=290K. If we measured a DUT and observed that Y=3 (4.77dB) we could calculate that NF=12dB.
This method of noise figure measurement is practical and used widely. Note that the DUT always has its nominal terminations applied to the input and output, the system gain is maintained, just the input equivalent noise temperature is varied.
Some amplifiers are not intended to be impedance matched at the input (ie optimised for maximum gain), but are optimised for noise figure by controlling the source impedance seen at the active device. Notwithstanding that the input is not impedance matched, noise figure measurements are made in the same way as for a matched system as they figures are applicable to the application where for example the source might be a nominal 50Ω antenna system.
So, NF is characterised for an amplifier with its intended / nominal source and load impedances.
Nothing about the NF implies the equivalent internal noise with a short circuit SC or open circuit OC input. The behaviour of an amplifier under those conditions is internal implementation dependent (ie variable from one amplifier design to another) and since it is not related to the amplifier’s NF, it is quite wrong to make inferences based on noise measured with SC or OC input.
So this raises the question of NF measurements made with a 50Ω source on an amplifier normally used with a different source impedance, and possibly a frequency dependent source impedance. An example of this might be an active loop amplifier where the source impedance looks more like a simple inductor.
Well clearly the measurement based on a 50Ω source does not apply exactly as amplifier internal noise is often sensitive to the source impedance, but for smallish departures, the error might be smallish.
A better approach might be to measure the amplifier with its intended source impedance. In the case of the example active loop antenna, the amplifier could be connected to a dummy equivalent inductor, all housed in a shielded enclosure and the output noise power measured with a spectrum analyser to give an equivalent noise power density at the output terminals. Knowing the AntennaFactor of the combination, that output power density could be referred to the air interface. This is often done and the active antenna internal noise expressed as an equivalent field strength in 1Hz, eg 0.02µV/m in 1Hz. For example the AAA-1C loop and amplifier specifies Antenna Factor Ka 2 dB meters-1 @ 10 MHz
and MDS @ 10MHz 0.7 uV/m , Noise bandwidth =1KHz and
to mean equivalent internal noise 0.022µV/m in 1Hz @ 10MHz at the air interface. 0.022µV/m in 1Hz infers Te=6.655e6K and NF=43.608dB again, at the air interface. These figures can be used with the ambient noise figure to calculate the S/N degradation (SND).
Deriving NF from the noise floor
A spectrum analyser or the like can be used to measure the total noise power density at the output of the loop amplifier with the input connected to a dummy antenna network (all of it shielded) and to calculate the equivalent noise temperature and noise figure at that point. For example, if we measured -116dBm in 1kHz bandwidth, Te=1.793e+5K and NF=27.9dB. Knowledge of the gain from air interface to that reference point is needed to compare ambient noise to the internal noise and to calculate SND, that knowledge might come from published specifications or a mix of measurements and modelling of the loaded antenna.
The mention of a spectrum analyser invites the question about the suitability of an SDR receiver. If the receiver is known to be calibrated, there is no non-linear process like noise cancellation active, and the ENB of the filter is known accurately, it may be a suitable instrument.
In both cases, the instruments are usually calculated for total input power, ie external signal and noise plus internal noise, so to find external noise (ie from the preamp) allowance must be made for the instrument NF (ie it needs to be known if the measured power is anywhere near the instrument noise floor).
Field strength / receive power converter may assist in some of the calculations.
The foregoing discussion assumes a linear receiver, and does not include the effects of intermodulation distortion IMD that can be hugely significant, especially in poor designs.
Part of the problem of IMD is that the effects depend on the individual deployment context, one user may have quite a different experience to another.
The landscape
There are a huge number of published active loop antenna designs and variant, and a smaller number of commercial products. Most are without useful specifications which is understandable since most of the market are swayed more by anecdotal user experiences and theory based metrics and measurement.
- Hewlett Packard. Jul 1983. Fundamentals of RF and microwave noise figure measurement. AN 57-1