G5RV baluns – a comparison of two options – part 2

This is a follow up article to G5RV baluns – a comparison of two options – part 1 and will make more sense if that article is read first.

Louis Varney, G5RV, described his multiband HF antenna in two forms.

The configuration pictured above using a hybrid of open wire matching section and low impedance coax to the transmitter is very popular.

G5RV baluns – a comparison of two options – part 1 asked the question of whether one of the following two balun options was superior.

Two options from hfkits.com. Continue reading G5RV baluns – a comparison of two options – part 2

G5RV baluns – a comparison of two options – part 1

Louis Varney, G5RV, described his multiband HF antenna in two forms.

The configuration pictured above using a hybrid of two wire line matching section and low impedance coax to the transmitter is very popular.

Whilst Varney did not recommend a balun, much has been learned about common mode currents in the intervening 70 years, and the use of an effective common mode choke is advisable. A common practice is to locate such a choke at the transition from the two wire line to the coax. Continue reading G5RV baluns – a comparison of two options – part 1

Prototype 2el Yagi for 401MHz (Radiosonde) Fox Hunting – a recovery

This article documents measurement of a prototype two element Yagi for Fox Hunting / portable direction finding: Prototype 2el Yagi for 401MHz (Radiosonde) Fox Hunting . See the original article for the design criteria.

Prototype 2el Yagi for 401MHz (Radiosonde) Fox Hunting – measurement showed a prototype and measurements.

Above, the antenna with MySondy custom firmware for a TTGO.

In Bruce’s own words…

Continue reading Prototype 2el Yagi for 401MHz (Radiosonde) Fox Hunting – a recovery

Is it possible to predict the terminal voltage of an installed antenna with feed line – #2?

Is it possible to predict the terminal voltage of an installed antenna with feed line? discussed prediction of an intended antenna using an NEC model.

ATU terminal voltage

This article shows how to predict ATU terminal voltage based on VNA or analyser measurement of the antenna system looking into the feed line. We will also look at an example of the voltages within a T ATU.

Above is a calculation of peak voltage at the ATU antenna terminals at 100W calculated from a saved .s1p file made looking into the feed line from the ATU position.

Above 3MHz, these voltages are modest at 100W. These voltages are impressed upon the balun that sits between feed line and ATU via 300mm of RG-400. Realise that at 1600W, the voltages would be four times that in the graph, ie up to about 3000V at some frequencies. Continue reading Is it possible to predict the terminal voltage of an installed antenna with feed line – #2?

Prototype 2el Yagi for 401MHz (Radiosonde) Fox Hunting – measurement

This article documents measurement of a prototype two element Yagi for Fox Hunting / portable direction finding: Prototype 2el Yagi for 401MHz (Radiosonde) Fox Hunting . See the original article for the design criteria.

A prototype was constructed and tuned to approximately mid band.

Above, the antenna with MySondy custom firmware for a TTGO. Continue reading Prototype 2el Yagi for 401MHz (Radiosonde) Fox Hunting – measurement

Prototype 2el Yagi for 146MHz Fox Hunting – measurement

This article describes VK4MQ’s (Bruce) build of the antenna and documents measurement of the prototype two element Yagi for Fox Hunting / portable direction finding: Prototype 2el Yagi for 146MHz Fox Hunting . See the original article for the design criteria.

A prototype was constructed and tuned to approximately mid band.

Above, the antenna pointing at the zenith for measurement. Continue reading Prototype 2el Yagi for 146MHz Fox Hunting – measurement

“CM choke acts like the cut-off end of a wire antenna?”

A poster on social media recently wrote:

Remember that a CM choke acts like the cut-off end of a wire antenna. That includes performing the reflection that creates the  standing wave for resonance – it IS your ‘end point’ for the frequency  it’s built for and any higher frequency.

Let’s explore that proposition with two simple NEC models.

A half wave dipole above average ground

The baseline model is a half wave dipole 10m above ‘average’ ground (σ=0.005, εr=13).


Above is a graphic of the current distribution on the wire. The current distribution is the classic half wave dipole current distribution, approximately sinusoidal in shape and falling to approximately zero at each end. Continue reading “CM choke acts like the cut-off end of a wire antenna?”

Prototype 2el Yagi for 401MHz (Radiosonde) Fox Hunting

This article documents a design prototype for a two element Yagi for Fox Hunting / portable direction finding of Radiosondes on 401MHz.

Design criteria:

  • compact;
  • good symmetry;
  • good front/back ratio;
  • deep nulls at the side;
  • easy DIY construction; and
  • low cost.

The design is for a two element Yagi using a Half Folded Half Wave Dipole driven element and reflector. The driven element was covered by US Patent 6307524 which may have expired.

A model was constructed in NEC-4.2 and adjusted to meet the design criteria.

Above is a diagram of the Yagi elements. The driven element feed arrangement has an integral balun and 1:4 impedance step up ratio allowing a close spaced configuration matched to 50Ω coaxial feed line. Continue reading Prototype 2el Yagi for 401MHz (Radiosonde) Fox Hunting

Prototype 2el Yagi for 146MHz Fox Hunting

This article documents a design prototype for a two element Yagi for Fox Hunting / portable direction finding.

Design criteria:

  • compact;
  • good symmetry;
  • good front/back ratio;
  • deep nulls at the side;
  • easy DIY construction; and
  • low cost.

The design is for a two element Yagi using a Half Folded Half Wave Dipole driven element and reflector. The driven element was covered by US Patent 6307524 which may have expired.

A model was constructed in NEC-4.2 and adjusted to meet the design criteria.

Above is a diagram of the Yagi elements. The driven element feed arrangement has an integral balun and 1:4 impedance step up ratio allowing a close spaced configuration matched to 50Ω coaxial feed line. Continue reading Prototype 2el Yagi for 146MHz Fox Hunting

Common mode current and RF feed lines – an interesting thought exercise from WA7ARK

Mike (WA7ARK) recently posted details of an interesting experiment: Measuring currents in an unbalanced dipole.

Above is a diagram of his experiment, and several points at which he measured the magnitude of current with his RF current probe. Continue reading Common mode current and RF feed lines – an interesting thought exercise from WA7ARK