A question of often asked is whether the ‘best’ balun on a T match ATU is:
- a Ruthroff 4:1 voltage balun (as it often fitted internally);
- a Guanella 1:1 current balun; or
- a Guanella 4:1 current balun.
The subtext of the question is often that the OM has switched from (a) to (b) in pursuit of improved common mode current rejection, and found they cannot match their existing antenna which matches ‘just fine’ using the (a).
This article explores (a) and (b) using a configuration similar to the popular MFJ-949E @ 1.8MHz, and comments on (c).
Let’s declare that although the MFJ-949E is specified for 1.8MHz, it is disadvantaged… which will exaggerate the problem to some extent… but in so doing make the problem easier to see.
We will use a SimNEC model of the ATU and a purely resistive load, as large as the ATU will match. The Smith charts shown are normalised to Zref=400+j0Ω as it is a better context for visualising loads on 400Ω transmission line typical of the use with two wire lines.
1. The bare MFJ-949E T match to a coax output jack
Above is the model. The coloured squares a sample points in a sweep of values of the matching components C1, L1, and C2. Green is loss less than 3dB, Yellow 3-6dB, and red greater than 3dB. Continue reading 4:1 voltage balun vs 1:1 current balun on the MFJ-949E @ 1.8MHz