Modelling an antenna as a simple two terminal resistance is often naive

in the article A simple transformer model of the Guanella 1:4 balun – some further observations I stated: Note that a two terminal impedance is a naive representation of many if not most antennas, popular, but a naive over simplification that does not facilitate evaluation of current balance. An example was a recent posting above … Continue reading Modelling an antenna as a simple two terminal resistance is often naive

Antenna system resonance and the nanoVNA

With the popularity of the nanoVNA, the matter of optimisation of antenna systems comes up and the hoary chestnuts of ham radio are trotted out yet again. Having skimmed a presentation published on the net, an interesting example is presented of an 80m half wave centre dipole with feed line and various plots from the … Continue reading Antenna system resonance and the nanoVNA

Antennas – disturbing the thing being measured – open wire lines

A common question in online forums relates to inability to reconcile analyser measurements of an antenna system with the transmitter system antenna facing VSWR meter. The cause is often that the antenna system was changed significantly to connect the analyser. Seeing recent discussion by the online experts of how the measure the impedance of an … Continue reading Antennas – disturbing the thing being measured – open wire lines

Radcom Feb 2019 “cable balun” – a deeper look

This article is a continuing discussion of Radcom Feb 2019 “cable balun”. The article Baluns in antenna systems explores some different dipole and feed line configurations and the effectiveness of common mode chokes at various locations on the feed line. Models 1, 2 and 3 particularly show the effect of a quarter wave vertical common … Continue reading Radcom Feb 2019 “cable balun” – a deeper look

A low Insertion VSWR high Zcm Guanella 1:1 balun for HF

This article describes a Guanella 1:1 current balun which has high common mode impedance (Zcm) and low Insertion VSWR. It is for application on antennas that have low VSWR50 on at least some bands, especially if they would be used without an ATU on some bands. The purpose of the balun is to minimise common … Continue reading A low Insertion VSWR high Zcm Guanella 1:1 balun for HF

Analysis of a certain dipole animation – OCF implications

A correspondent having read Analysis of a certain dipole animation questioned the validity of the lossy transmission line model of the dipole, citing the case of an OCF half wave which has an approximately resistive feed point. Since the OCF lacks the symmetry exploited in earlier study, we must consider each half of the OCF … Continue reading Analysis of a certain dipole animation – OCF implications